Just pushed new code to master enabling 4-way parallel output on the ESP8266.

Just pushed new code to master enabling 4-way parallel output on the ESP8266.

It seems to be working pretty solidly, though as with other parallel outputs, you have to be careful about cross talk between your data lines since all of them are being written to at the same time.

(Why only 4 way? Because while the ESP8266, in theory, has 17 GPIOs, 6 of them are permanently unavailable to us, and they’re right in the middle of the pack. This leaves the block of 4 pins at raw GPIO’s 12,13,14 and 15 and/or the GPIO’s at the low block of pins 0-5. I elected to only support parallel on the high block for now, since in the 0-5 block, pin 1 and 3 are used by the USART, so once again, no contiguous pins on the port to use for parallel output).


Thank you :slight_smile:

It just keeps getting better and better… you sir are amazing.

@Daniel_Garcia will this allow 4 lines of WS2812 or APA102 ? Or is it just for WS2812?

@Leon_Yuhanov Like all the parallel output so far in the library, it is only for the WS2812 (and a handful of related chipsets). Hardware SPI, hell even bitbanging SPI output runs far faster (2-30 times after) than the WS2812 protocol, which is why it is is worth it to parallelize that. https://github.com/FastLED/FastLED/wiki/Parallel-Output

@Daniel_Garcia Thanks mate!

Awesome work @Daniel_Garcia ​.
Looking forward to test it on my next project.