Just copied my MP4 files onto USB stick carried the files to my Roku

Just copied my MP4 files onto USB stick carried the files to my Roku and found only some play other report error. Didn’t get a pic of the error as it was late and was laying back and trying to enjoy some tech videos. Some I created and some I downloaded from Youtube.

Is there a fix-it program I can run on the failing files?

Some of the files that fail on the Roku do not fail on my PC?

That is almost certainly encoding issues. Nothing to do with an ESP8266 that I am aware of since it does not have the grunt for graphics.

Since you say MP4, you need to check what this “roku” thing can play vs what your PC can play. Then use something like mediainfo to see what the files are.

@Bunny_Evans Thank you. Find it odd, they are all mp4 extension type files and it was my thought encoding mp4 was the same for all files labeled mp4. I know for example avi file will not play on my roku.
I thought the same encoder is used for all mp4 files? This is a bit confusing. Oh and sorry just realized I posted in the ESP8266 my bad.

Media files are more complicated than that. On the outside you have a container format (like mp4, webm, or Matroska), but inside that you have audio and video tracks each of which could be in one of many different codecs (vp8, vp9, h264, h265, etc). Two different players may both support mp4, but support different codecs.