Just call me Ranger LED Program.

Just call me Ranger LED Program.

What kind of LEDs are we programming today, Ranger Led Program?

Did you have time to show Yogi and Boo-Boo how to use FastLED?

I’m so glad our national park rangers have upgraded to LEDs.
That really made me laugh Mark!

OK, that made me laugh for the first time today.

Huh! You a Ranger?

Well… not so far. But maybe next time! I have a few friends who are rangers, and like it. OTOH, seems like maybe I should be a lamplighter

If you ever decide to join the team, let me know! We have some FastLED members as Rangers, now.

One of the meanings of Ranger is “pioneer”. I think that fits. You blaze the trail, we follow – improving and contributing where we can.