I've got Debian running on my BBB and am looking to run a small

I’ve got Debian running on my BBB and am looking to run a small (as in compact), decent relational database server on it. Non-Java. Any recommendations?

Have you tried SQLite (http://www.sqlite.org/)?

Thanks, @Anto_Prijosoesilo ! Looks like a good suggestion…

PostgreSQL? MySQL?

Well, @Jason_Kridner , I was thinking so, and I don’t necessarily need their full functionality…

SQLite is nice, but BeagleBone can handle full databases. Depends what you consider compact.

Well, I am an avid Postgres user… Any idea what the difference in the deployed size of both might be?

I too normally use PGSQL, but for embedded work I tend to use SQLite. I tested installing PGSQL9.1 on my BBB and it used 40MB of VMem (around 2MB resident) just for the server idling. SQLite doesn’t have a server/daemon so no “server-side” memory usage, only client-side.

Default PGSQL9.1 installation uses up 20MB of space plus 35MB for the data directory. SQLite install uses up 200kB of space plus 30kB per empty DB.