I've been having trouble with my Y-axis shuddering and not traveling when trying to

I’ve been having trouble with my Y-axis shuddering and not traveling when trying to jog it. When trying to run a program the axes don’t move smoothly. I have a small CNC that uses all lead screws and I don’t have that problem. I have a TinyG controller and have the Ox with GT belts for the X & Y axes.

Its likely the gantry is twisting which can have a number of causes:
Check the grub screws on the pulleys and then check them again …
Lock tight them in, or better yet tap them larger, use bigger screws and lock tight 'em in anyway.

If it’s not that then:
Check steppers for loose wiring
Check tightness of eccentric nuts on your gantry
Check frame is not twisted (unusual, if on a flat surface)

Get a hook scale and measure your belt tension. Seems too high

Okay. I will. Thanks for the quick response!

That may be problem. I’ve just tightened the belts. Now I’ve got a few directions to work on

Make sure your steppers are wired the right way. Steppers can stutter when the coils are crossed.

You can also slip the belts off the Y pulleys and see if the steppers run smoothly without load

It may have something to do with your power and/or current settings on the motors. That’s one of the many things I don’t like about the Tiny G - very limited current output for the motors. The motors are rated for 3A, but the Tiny G only puts out 2.5A max. Also, I run motors at 24V, which helps immensely with torque. Make sure you have good heat sinks on the drivers, and a fan blowing on them. Overheating in the driver chips can cause current limiting to kick in. Also, make sure you have the motors set for reduced current at idle, if they overheat they may cause problems.