It's driven in my case but you can as well use .

It’s #ESP32 driven in my case but you can as well use esp8266. Here is the guide on how to build a 410 RGB LED matrix and how to power it up correctly!
This thing is very bright!

Nice to see the ESP32 support in that lib. I was using another lib but will try this one. Thanks for the tips on power setup.

@Steve_Anken good luck with your project!

It did not seem to work with my Sparkfun esp32. Not sure I can use it because I need threads and the version I am using allows me to use other channels to run motors and control it using BLE from my phone with App Inventor.
missing/deleted image from Google+

Hard to say where could be issue. Are you changing the 3,3v logic to 5v? Scripts from fastLED also need the correct led model or effects could be broken. Hard to say much without details of your project.

I am just running a 12 led neopixel to test right off the pins with power off the USB on the Sparkfun. Ran blink and two leds came on red, one blinked one was on full and dimmed with the blinking one. Same thing no matter what pin or amount of leds defined (1-12). I may have missed something because it warned that it was using bit bang mode but I just changed those two things.

My LED lib current version uses this.

{.rmtChannel = 2, .gpioNum = 18, .ledType = LED_WS2812B_V3, .brightLimit = 32, .numPixels = 12,

I used 3 strips and ran a motor using a slider on my phone to change the motor speed in real time. I can change the colors and patterns too, but the lib does not do the HLS so the results are not as nice for colors. They seem much more stable with this than any other lib I have tried. I saw the esp32 support but not sure how it works behind the calls to see if it allows hooks for other processes like BLE to do anything.

2 questions. I believe these are 5v so try shifting it. Also make sure you connect common ground to your esp. these two things would give weird colour LEDs

@NotEnoughTECH , not sure what you mean. It works fine with other libs. The 5v USB on the Spakrfun esp32 shares the ground with the 3.3 and has two pins for both, plus two battery pins and 4 ground. Signal is 3.3v but that is not a problem for any other LED lib. I’ve run a neopixel 12 ring, 12 strip, 45 strip and a small DC motor off just a USB battery pack with no problems, for many hours. It’s not the hardware or wiring.

I used the lib in the arduino manager so I’ll check to see if the github stuff that said it had support for esp32 got into what I did. it has to support RMT peripheral to not hobble the board.

have you tried to write a more simple code using the same library? this could help, also I needed to run calibration script for my set up to get the colours correctly.

+NotEnoughTECH , I tried the sample blink, like I said, and another. The lib is useless unless it can play well with the BLE lib and the other libs that use the ESP32’s hardware peripheral ability. Bit banging makes no sense for this chip with what it can do. It’s like limiting a formula 1 to driving the 405 in LA at rush hour.

Try this version of the FastLED library

Thanks Jeremy, I will try it.

YES! Jeremy, that works great! So now to dig in and see how to use it with Koban’s BLE. Very nice demo running beautifully now. So happy to see this lib fully supporting the ESP32. This is wonderful. I should be able to send my named colors from App inventor to see how close it comes to the Android colors, which are VERY good. By using named colors I can be sure my LEDs are the official colors for things like the Air force blue (R0 ,B143, G48). I am hoping the LED color correction matches the Android device.

Thanks to everybody who has contributed to this. The combo of esp32/BLE/WiFi, channels for controlling motors and play sounds and an excellent LED LIB makes it possible for me to do some projects that I have wanted to do for a while.

Excellent news thanks @Jeremy_Spencer for linking this

@NotEnoughTECH , try the ESP32. It looks like the libs are getting updated to support the hardware that can do so much without hacks like bit banging.

Glad I could help. There’s always people happy to help with FastLED over on the google+ community. (And a few of us on here too)