Issue with nee Prusa Slic3r 1.41.1 and octoprint.

Issue with nee Prusa Slic3r 1.41.1 and octoprint. When sending via octoprint, the slicer says it was successful, but the app says that there is an invalid gcode line and won’t load the print.

Not a big deal, but wondering if anyone else came across this and knows how to fix?. Currently printing via web interface without fail.

Could you send me the gcode file by email ? (
I’ll try to recreate the problem to see what is wrong. Thanks

Happens with any stl I have. I’ll send you a few examples it happens with.

@Mathias_Dietz Email sent

I found the problem. Slic3rPE send multiple HTTP multipart parts but GcodePrintr looks for the 1st part only. I will publish a fixed version soon.

@Mathias_Dietz you’re awesome for this! Thank you for your work!