Is there anyway​ to print with out the USB.

Is there anyway​ to print with out the USB. Because on the smoothieboard website said you can print from the SD card but it’s​ not working. When I press print over USB to the SD card it starts perfect but right when I unplug the USB the printer stops and jerks like it not receiving the gcode correct.

I have the gcode file on the SD card and I press SD upload in pronterface. But that still didn’t work.

Please help


Do you have an LCD screen? That’s how I trigger and card prints without a computer attached.

@Chris_Chatelain ​ I have two LCD screens. They are the discount glcd screens that are compatible with the smoothieboard. Tried using the adapter didn’t work tried doing manual wire the screen to the board didn’t work. And the adapter and the screen are original. And I flipped the cables 180 degrees as recommended. Still didn’t work and I had Arthur Wolf look at my config and he siad that it was correct. Do you have a picture I can see of your board with LCD screen plugged in.

Thanks for the reply

you need to place the gcode on the smoothie, then start the print from the LCD menu (or web interface).

@Sebastien_Plante ​ that’s what I did I put the Gcode file on the smoothieboard then I pressed SD print from pronterface.

no, use the play/print on the LCD, not pronteface

@Sebastien_Plante ​ I don’t have a LCD it doesn’t work.

@Sebastien_Plante ​ for some reason I use to be able to print from my computer and then unplug the USB and walk away and the printer world work just fine.

in pronterface send the command
@play /sd/filename then disconnect pronterface and you can pull usb out

I’ll try that @Wolfmanjm ​ thanks for the response

@jacob_keller Oh sorry, I was sure you had an LCD. The “play” from Pronterface won’t work, send a console commands as said by @Wolfmanjm ​. Get an GLCD working, it will really help :slight_smile:

@jacob_keller does your printer work when you do not connect the USB cable? Do you have a 1 ampere voltage regulator soldered and it is working fine? If you had a 0.5 amp regulator then it may be broken as LCD need more power.

If you print using the play button from pronterface(with gcode file loaded in pronterface) it will only work as long as the USB cable is connected.
You will have to play the gcode from the lcd(e.g. GLCD)