Is there a way to upload Gcodes through SD Card (plugged into the board,

Is there a way to upload Gcodes through SD Card (plugged into the board, not tablet). I would like to plug my tablet, upload gcode through sd card and unplug my tablet.

not yet. Since christmas I have a SD card reader for my RAMPS 1.4 and I’m about to implement SD card support.

you could upload the file to the sd card named “auto0.g” if you are running a current version of marlin, the print will start as soon as the printer is turned on or reset. but no you cannot use your printer as an sd card reader as far as i know.

You can start a print from SD card by manualy sending commands to the printer.
Long press on console -> send command to printer

  1. initialize and mount the SD Card
  2. List files on SD card (can be skipped if you know the filename)
  3. Select a file for printing. Must be lowercase
    M23 file.gco
  4. Start SD Print

Thanks, I will try this.

I can confirm that this works (if you’ve JUST switched the printer on with the SD card inserted it will automatically mount / you can skip the M21)

I’ve printed a few parts from the printers SD card using this method. Melzi w/Latest Marlin firmware