Is there a reason my posts here keep disappearing?

Is there a reason my posts here keep disappearing?

Are they being deleted, or just disappearing? If we delete them, they stay on your own personal posts page - doesn’t look like we’re the culprits. Otherwise I’d be able to see a bunch of “3D Printing” posts…but with strikethroughs.

Last time it looks like you posted here was around May.

He just posted about the 3D Geek Box from Maker Geeks. I bought it a week ago, it ships on the 15th. Planning on posting a review after I’ve tested their filament. (edited, mixed up brand names)

I was going to comment on that and it didn’t go through and I couldn’t find it in the community. Can you try again, if you haven’t already?

@raykholo I just posted a third time and it disappeared again, the fourth time I tagged you just for good measure.

And the fourth posting is gone.

I don’t see it on your profile or here, I don’t have a notification for being tagged in it, and you’re on in the moderation queue. I have no idea what’s going on. Yet this post works fine. Can you try it without a link or any media? I suspect some minute difference on someone’s end is causing this although that’s pure speculation.

Its definitely posting before it disappears. I’m just going to attribute this to a Google Plus glitch and even more bad luck with Maker Geeks.
missing/deleted image from Google+

It may have gotten flagged as spam, or your email that’s tied to your G+ account flagged. Did you have your account hijacked in the past year or so? The actual URL that you’re posting may have some sort of perma-ban on it…or URLs in general? I wonder if somehow you’re shadowbanned somewhere in the Google ecosystem. (Like YouTube’s HEROES crap and it’s just crossed over to other services)

*you’re not in the moderation queue. bad typo sorry.

@ThantiK if it was his email or a shadowban this post would be gone as well, or maybe it’s just anything he posts with links? I’ll try to find the original post and repost it linking you @Matt_Urich_Redleader
Edit: posted
Edit 2: It’s gone. Looks like it may be the link causing the issue?

I have an idea.

@Matt_Urich_Redleader , try the post again – I changed a community setting. I can’t guarantee that I’ll allow it to stay that way, but it may allow your post to go through.

No such luck. The post was here: It disappeared within a minute.

I got rid of all the dialogue and just posted the link with two sentences. It does look less like spam now, and I’m certain you guys were right and that was the problem. Feel free to delete this thread.

Try using Google+ classic