Is it possible to add an additional y axis stepper BUT drive it on

Is it possible to add an additional y axis stepper BUT drive it on the opposite direction as commanded? This way I can have y and say epsilon both going the same direction if the shafts are facing one another. I read how to slave another axis and it works but it only wanted to move identical to the y.

If my brain is working correctly, you should simply need to reverse the order of the pins in the stepper motor connector (i.e. rotate it 180 degrees)

You just need to reverse one of the pairs of wires to the stepper.

Sounds like a simple ! At the end of the direction line in your config would make that happen.

Either way will work, invert the direction pin in the config ( ) or 180 degree rotation of the stepper motor connector

Flipping the motor plug did the trick!! Thanks guys.