I'm using FastLED 3.1 and have a project that works OK using a Teensy

I’m using FastLED 3.1 and have a project that works OK using a Teensy 3.0 at 96Mhz. If I use a Teensy 3.1 at 96Mhz the LEDs just randomly flicker. If I use a Teensy 3.1 at 72Mhz, it works OK.

Any ideas? Some of my animations are CPU intensive so I’d like the Teensy to be as fast as possible!

I’m guessing you’re using some device like the APA102… Try changing the SPI clock rate !? I remember others that solved similar problems that way !

What kinds of LEDs are you using? If ws2812’s are you using leave shifters?

They are ws2811 with a level 3.3-5v level shifter (74HCT245). They are wired up as described at https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_libs_OctoWS2811.html but I ended up using FastLED (for all it’s extra features) rather than OctoWS2811.

And in your code are you referring to them as WS2812 or WS2811 - there are different timings for the two (and when did you last update FastLED3.1?)

I can confirm that there is no problem with FastLED 3.1, WS2812’s, Octo Board and the Teensy being overclocked. I have been running code at 96, 120 & 144. It does fall over at 168MHz though.
FastLED 3.1 8th July 2015
Arduino V1.6.3
Teensyduino V1.22