I'm searching for an private German experienced guy/girl who prints some parts for me

I’m searching for an private German experienced guy/girl who prints some parts for me in ABS. I wanna build a printer too.
I need 44 parts in total.

@Thomas_Sanladerer ​ might be able to suggest someone

Shameless plug :wink: https://www.3dhubs.com/munich/hubs/tom-0 (not sure if I’ve got ABS currently listed)
Or really, any other hub should be able to take care of a print job!

@Dan_Ghiciulescu hi
As I remember i would guess they have a surface of maximum 10x10cm.
What messenger do you use expect WhatsApp?
Here is a zip of all part I need

@Dan_Ghiciulescu ​ I don’t need it quick. Until the end of November is fine. PETG sounds also fine.
Can you write me please by email for more details? Color, price, infill, etc…
By the way I’m German too