I'm playing with the Manga Screen 2 connected to a raspberry pi 3 and

I’m playing with the Manga Screen 2 connected to a raspberry pi 3 and noticed that for some reason the FPS is limited to 20. I’m using a QT application that works at 60 FPS on the official RPI display but on the MS2 it’s limited to 20 for some reason.
It seems the vsync happens every 50ms, because if I use a swapInterval of 1, I get 20 FPS. With 2 (so a swap every 2 vsyncs) I get 10 FPS and so on.
Any clues?
My hdmi timings are these:
1080 1 100 10 60 1920 1 4 2 4 0 0 0 60 0 144000000 3

I also notice tearing when the console text scrolls and even that is overall slow.

Hi Jean… What did you do to get your Pi working ? Did you change config.txt etc ?

There should be several framerates supported in the edid and by the screen, 60 being the highest. Could you try it on a computer for debugging this? It should give you a list of supported framerates more easily to experiment with. The tearing I cannot do anything with I think. There is a sync pin coming from the screen, but there is no way to convey that back to the computer.

@Elias_Bakken The problem is caused by the display_rotation in the config.txt: when rotating by 90 or 270 degrees the FPS drops to 20. The issue is detailed here: https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/issues/403

Oh… I was not aware of that. Crap.

Can you rotate the content in the app using EGL? I’m doing that in my app Toggle. I’m not sure if this is an issue with BBB though.