I'm looking for a CNC lib to use in a 2D CAD package.

I’m looking for a CNC lib to use in a 2D CAD package. I would like to pocket, profile and drill. The app is written in Javascript and C++ but I’m willing to rewrite from another language if necessary.

Any ideas?

Are you using Qt?

Cool! Could you link to the pocket code?

Tiago yes I’m using Qt. The app is a convergence CAD app that runs on Ubuntu devices, including phone, tablet and desktop.

Peter, I would be very interested in working together on a pure js CAM library.


I’m really interested in working on adaptive clearing.

I’m doing a touch interface to control a smoothie and I’m using a raspberry with the 7 " display, I’m using Qt as well.

Oh yes please please please help with fabrica :slight_smile:

Ok, I think I can help, but have been years since I touched anything js, what IDE do you guys use? I find QT so much easy :smiley:

@Tiago_Vale I just use a text editor, and firebug in my browser for debugging.