Im going for a prusa i3 kit... long story short...

Im going for a prusa i3 kit…

long story short… i went down to:

c) Original Prusa i3 MK2.

Unfortunately, I live in Latin America… Shipping alone from Europe is prohibitive

d) Wanhao Duplicator i3
Or if you’re willing not to take a Prusa i3
e) Printrbot

Wanhao is not on the price range… I like it but a bit expensive… Specially the duplicator plus $399. Personally, save a little more and get something better. You will end up with more headaches than actual printing by buying a cheaper printer. Believe me, I know, I have 3 Migbot Prusa i3s that have taken a lot to get them working correctly.

The Tevo. I have a FolgerTech Prusa 2020 and I am very happy with it, but I’ve upgraded the X and Y axes to OpenBuilds v-slots and rollers, and the Z axis to lead screws. That was an additional $130 or so. The Tevo has those incorporated already. I’d have gotten that if I had known about it when I was shopping.