I'm attending the Open Hardware Summit being held in Boston this year,

I’m attending the Open Hardware Summit being held in Boston this year, on Sept 6 (http://2013.oshwa.org/). Since I’m based in Mumbai, India, my biggest challenge is the travel costs. To help me take care of some part of it, we (http://www.wyolum.com) will be conducting a 2 1/2 day KiCAD workshop at NOVA Labs, a Hackerspace in Reston, Northern VA, near Washington DC.

Proceeds will be shared with NOVA Labs, as well as a Donation to KiCAD via CERN (http://cernandsociety.web.cern.ch/technology/kicad-development)

Here are some links :
Announcement : http://wyolum.com/announcing-kicad-workshop-at-nova-labs/

Sign Up Page : http://www.meetup.com/NOVA-Makers/events/122208692/

Workshop details :

I’d appreciate if those in the DC area can help me spread the word.

Thanks in advance,