I'll be at Maker Faire:

I’ll be at @Maker_Faire_Kansas_C at Union Station all day Saturday and Sunday, come find us in the Sprint Festival Plaza, near the entrance to Science City! http://kansascity.makerfaire.com

Hope you have a good show.

Well that was exhausting, but fun, and I got a blue ribbon! :slight_smile:
missing/deleted image from Google+

missing/deleted image from Google+

Postmortem notes:

I tried to follow these great tips: https://hackaday.io/project/25481-how-to-maker-faire, but I definitely still took too much. I used our large rolling suitcases to pack almost everything, and a portable folding dolly for the boxes that wouldn’t fit. Packed and carried the tree in fully assembled.

I ran out of cards 3/4 through the first day. I taped the last card to the table with a sign that said: “Last card, take a picture. :)”

The arcade button strip was extremely popular with kids (and adults). We made a little “Press my buttons” sign on the spot. Should have made a blinking sign or something, still had to prod some people to do it. But if there was one person playing, there were lots waiting impatiently. :slight_smile: I kept asking kids which buttons to press at the same time to make other colors (pink, purple, orange). I should have made another sign, but it was definitely fun interacting with them. After they were done playing, I suggested they open the box and look inside, and told them they could make one and create their own games.

The RGB/HSV tutorial wasn’t quite as popular, but still kept kids entertained that were waiting for the arcade strip.

A surprising number of people hadn’t even messed with Arduino, let alone NeoPixels, FastLED, etc, or heard of Adafruit or FastLED. My next set of cards will have http://adafruit.com and http://fastled.io on them. :slight_smile:

I tried to convince every kid at the booth to find a project on http://make.com, adafruit, or sparkfun to try (bracelet, necklace, shoes, etc).

Met a few really great folks from the community (local and online). Looking forward to collaborating with them in the future!

Yeay blue ribbon! :slight_smile:
Good job on sharing with the kids and helping inspire.