If you were looking to purchase Simplify3D; the company I work for resells,

If you were looking to purchase Simplify3D; the company I work for resells, and is running a discount until the end of January:

The discount code SIMPLIFY-DISCOUNT will get you $20 off the $149 price. I’ll let you guys know whenever we run these so you can save a little. Just a heads up though, our system doesn’t do automatic email of activation codes; we have these little cards we’ve gotta scratch off - so you’re trading the $20 discount for a small delay in my boss writing the email. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ugh, and I just bought it like 2 weeks ago. Kind of story of my life, day late and a dollar short.

That’s the same price as their website… $149. OR AM I missing Something?

@Keith_Applegarth Check the rest of his post - there’s a discount code.

Thanks this helps

Thanks for the discount, it worked fine for my purchase moments ago.

@Keith_Applegarth ​ you’re missing the part where he said $20 OFF of $149

Found it. Thanks!

Good deal! Thanks for sharing

You think they could sell more if they offered it as a software rental for $10.00 a month?

Software “rental” with monthly fees would mean I’d look elsewhere. I’m using a budget program that has recently gone from great performance to a web-based monthly purchase package. The features of the “new” software are crap and the userbase is in an uproar.

From what I’ve seen of S3D, priced three times higher than the aforementioned budget program, it’s worth the current cost, but I think a monthly pricing would kill it off for many people.

I’ve had recent email communications with the S3D people. They are prompt in replying and I expect that their tech support response would be similar. I’m still waiting for the printer with which I will use the software, but am enjoying absorbing all the tutorials and user videos of the product in the interim.

Offer both options then

Cool just pulled the trigger, here in Australia the discount helps since our dollar sucks at the moment : ] thanks heaps