If you can find one or some of these PAR POS Terminals and they

If you can find one or some of these PAR POS Terminals and they are equip with 3M MicroTouch MT7 Serial Touch screens, you can make your own touch screen LinuxCNC system. Here is how we did it…

Originally shared by Joshua MalaMaker (Malamaker)

Old PAZ POS Terminal Systems breathe new life as Touch Screen LinuxCNC controllers for the makerspace. These systems have the 3M MicroTouch Serial MT7 Touchscreens in them and with about 10 steps you can load the drivers to enable this touch screen technology. The last steps for the Touch Screen LinuxCNC systems is to hack into the back digital display to have a dedicated coordinates display. More to come in the future on other cool things with these terminals and what you can do with them.