I want to do some FFT with FastLED.

I want to do some FFT with FastLED. I’ve only found code so old it calls for WProgram.h.

What’s some cool code? I’m running WS2812B strips.

I did this a while back:


Note: Can’t recall much at all about it though, so good luck!

I’m using your FHT stuff, but want to do it with FFT too.

Right on. I think they have an FFT library as well, so you might want to give that a shot.

And you probably want a Teensy or other ARM based controller for that. You’ll not have much CPU left for your animations and FPS on standard Arduinos.

I agree with Thomas, I’ve tried FFT on AVRs, but had much better results on ARMs. Teensy has an amazing audio library with FFT: https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_libs_AudioAnalyzeFFT.html

I cant get any FHT to work with Arduino/ ESP8266
Any luck with fft or FHT on esp8266?

@Tommy_Sciano nope, haven’t tried FFT or FHT on the ESP8266 yet, and can’t seem to find any libraries. I keep meaning to try a MSGEQ7 with one, but haven’t yet. Could also use a Teensy with FFT, and stream the data to the ESP8266 over serial, maybe.