I upgraded my 130W 1200x900 laser to Smoothie,

I upgraded my 130W 1200x900 laser to Smoothie, and I’m delighted so far - definitely a huge upgrade over the Leetro controller.

I’m having trouble with laser power, however, it’s very confusing. I can’t seem to get the laser above 30% or so using S0.x commands.

Using a terminal to connect to Smoothie, I’ve been cutting lines using code like:

M3 0.2
G1 X10 F500 (I’m in G91 relative mode)

When I do this I monitor the current the laser is taking - it maxes out at about 10mA at about 30% power (S0.3). After that, increasing the S parameter has no effect.

laser_module_maximum_power is set to 1.0

FURTHER WEIRDNESS: When I use test mode, i.e.

fire 50
G1 X10 F500

I get much more power, it increases all the way to 50mA at 95% power.

Any tips?

How is your smoothie connected to the LPS? What LPS, what power laser?


Note laser power isn’t linear.
But what you describe could be due to the way it’s wired, have more info on that ?

M3 0.2 is not a legal gcode command. The S1.0 goes on the G1 line usually.