I stumbled on a way to get some filament at a decent price.

I stumbled on a way to get some filament at a decent price.

This was on Amazon.ca

By purchasing two spools (which happened to be from separate sellers) I qualified for free shipping. that brought the price in line with my closest local supplier – a one-hour drive away, one way – who charges dearly for delivery. So, for the same price, got it delivered to my door.

ALSO There was an offer to apply – online – for an Amazon Visa. Qualifying earned you a $20 credit on the spot.

So I applied, was accepted, and took $20 off. I’ll just cancel the card once it’s mailed to me.

I ended up with two 1kg spools for $33 Canadian funds. If Amazon.com is offering the same thing, it would be about
$25 USD for 2kg of filament.

Invest in Prime shipping. Free 2 Day shipping on all prime available items and discounted 1 day shipping.