I purchased these CDVs from HobbyKing (PN:

I purchased these CDVs from HobbyKing (PN: 382000124) as recommended by Joshua Updyke but they seem to be short on my build. Anyone know why as no one else seems to have had this problem? I am confused…

I had the same problem, fortunately I have Inventor and was able to create some new shorter parts to fit. My whole build has deviated quite a bit from the original. All my gear boxes are metal which changes things because they aren’t exactly the same size.

You might be able to get away with just shortening one dimension when you print it. Allign the part lengthwise on the X-axis and shorten the size of the printed part on the X-axis in Repetier Host, assuming that’s what you use to print.

CDV Canine Distemper Virus
CDV Carte de Visite (small visiting card portraits)
CDV Cell Delay Variation
CDV Coverage Driven Verification (circuit design)
CDV Criminal Domestic Violence
CDV Car-Derived Van (UK descriptor for commercial vehicles)
CDV Comcast Digital Voice
CDV Committee Draft for Vote (International Electrotechnical Commission)
CDV Compressed Digital Video
CDV Comité Départemental de Voile (French: Departmental Committee of Sailing)
CDV Cordova, AK, USA (Airport Code)
CDV Core Democratic Value
CDV Clutch Delay Valve
CDV Check Digit Verification
CDV Cooperative Distributed Vision (artificial intelligence)
CDV Concours des Vins (French: Wine Competition)
CDV Capacitor Discharge Vaporization
CDV Comma Delimited Value
CDV Central Drawings Vault
CDV Concept Demonstration and Validation (usually seen as CD/V)
CDV Credit/Debit Vendor
CDV Conseil et Dépistage Volontaires du VIH (French: Voluntary Counseling and Testing for HIV)
CDV Clean Diesel Vehicle
CDV Carma Data Viewer
CDV Cache Delayed Verification

He’s talking about his obviously short axles.

From this angle it looks to me that the upper arm is too long. It looks like positive camber.

If so then it is not too strange that the driveshaft is not reaching into the outdrive.