I printed the whole car, everything is fine.

I printed the whole car, everything is fine. However, I cant source the axel shafts in the us. Prior to printing I sourced everything and saw Conrad has them. However after printing and going to place the order they wont ship to the US. What other shafts can be used or adapted? I cant find ANY 118mm shafts.

Uh oh, I’m in the middle of printing the Truggy as well. I suppose I will run into the same issue

Unfortunately thats a very common issue with the truggy. Even me from EU didn’t want to pay as much for the parts from Conrad. You may look through this G+ Channel (can’t remember a link), there is a discussion about custom Wishbones and cheap drive train parts from aliexpress. Also if you have a friend able to produce metal parts, you may ask him to do these (which is what i did, for him it was an increadible easy piece).

I suggested to HK that they needed to create an OpenRC section on their website.

I bought these, but they have flats not holes, so will have to either drill hole, or make wheel HEX with flat.
I also have bought enough rod for 3 extra set of rods. I will post to anyone in UK if they want them. If no UK takers then EU/US.

@Morgan_Barke thanks!

@Morgan_Barke so do these ones fit in the truggy with default parts, beside which of them fit (it’s a multi item page)? I should gather some as spare parts then!

@Klaus_Daume I am still printing and sourcing parts, so can’t tell you anything for sure. I am using a maker space printer, so everything is printing very slowly and so is my progress. I will update you as I know more and ultimately blog about my build.

Thank you very much mate! If you manage to find cheap, worldwide available parts, which are compatible with the default models, you will be the first one in this whole project!