I picked up this package cheap on Local Auction Site.

I picked up this package cheap on Local Auction Site. I was actually searching for Motors for another Tool I’m building and this came up. I paid around $80. It was listed as just the VFD, but I could see the spindle in the pictures so I took a chance.

I have been collecting the parts to build an OX dedicated to V-Carving Cutting Boards and Bourbon Barrelheads. Should I hang on to this or sell it and use the profit towards a different spindle? I have never used this type of spindle, but seems like a better option than the Dewalt Router I currently have.

Use it. Once you try one you will not want to go back.

Nice: I would definitely put it in operation and see if you like it. It may be a pain to set up the VFD but you (we) can figure that out :).

I would think a 1.5Kw spindle would chew up an Ox and spit it out…
Just the weight alone would sorely tax the chintzy Ox Z axis…

@Darrell_n didn’t even realize that this was so much bigger than the DC spindles folks are putting on their OX. Its definitely pretty heavy.

@donkjr It’s definitely a complicated config. I’ll probably get it running on the Bench either way. I found a few good documents and videos on programming, but no end-to-end on setup and control with CNC Controller.

@Kelly_Burns what controller are you planning. I think the VFD takes an analog 0-10V signal vs a digital PWM. You can convert that various ways.

Wow that is huge …

You might find this helpful.

It’s 10 wires and takes 15 minutes to set up with an arduino. Keep it and buy the matching spindle if it’s not included (shouldn’t be)

if Smoothieware, look at Bouni work
google ‘smoothieware vfd bouni’ for more …