I need to work on the parameters, but this is probably quite useful now.

I need to work on the parameters, but this is probably quite useful now.

Originally shared by Nathaniel Stenzel

I am very proud to announce that my bucket_mill program is now fully functional. It may have a bug or two to work out that I have not spotted yet, but it can take an image and convert it to rough cut or final cut gcode. The code was committed with redundant gcode suppression turned off which may cause issues for some. You just have to adjust a line near the bottom of the script to fix that. Take a look at the gcode files in chilipeppr and see what you think. My 200mm wide Mother’s Day present takes less than a minute to generate the gcode for and is estimated at about 10 hours of cut time. Cutting speeds may vary. Sorry for not having everything set up properly as parameters. I may be setting up a GUI for it later.

The gcode renderings are chilipeppr output.

@Antonio_Eduardo_Mart why buy software when I can make it for fun? This project was very enjoyable to me.

@Antonio_Eduardo_Mart ​ the point is to have the many elevations in the rough cuts. I wrote this for me and my CNC mill uses a dremel tool which can’t cut deeply without multiple passes. If someone can cut the full depth, they should use just the final cut mode.

You should probably rough cut anyway. No matter what your machine can do.

One thing that I may want to adjust is how deep each rough cut is. Currently, they are 1mm deep per pass in the rough cut. Currently, I just figure you could make up for it being such a shallow cut by setting the rapid speed really high.