I made my wife and new clock face...what do you guy think?

I made my wife and new clock face…what do you guy think?

Wish to do one for my wife as well if its possible to get file

Youre Missing a hole in the Center ?

Bad @ss

The twelve is not at the top!

Kidding :slight_smile: Very nice job, what are the dimensions and what’s it cut from?

Now that’s cool. Neat design!.

Nice. Almost no burn/smoke marking in the plywood. Could only see it when I zoomed in the picture. Should clean off with alcohol right?

Very nice

Nice design Scott. Looks good.

Thanks guys…it’s 1/8 birch ply…the file is from free dfx files…cool designs on the site…all are free.

@Jim_Hatch …fine grit emery cloth.

@I_Laser …if you download the file you can resize it to what size you néed…this one is 8 inchs

@Scott_Thorne Cool, could you please link to site a quick Google search didn’t provide results.

I think this is where I got it from…if not, when I get off today I’ll put the file on Google for you.


I think it might be this one…