I like the idea of printing my own rc car and not having to

I like the idea of printing my own rc car and not having to buy every part I also have plenty of experience with rc cars, but no idea about 3d printing.

A couple of questions.

  1. what would be the starting price for a basic, but functional 3d printer+ the plastic( is it called filament?) + any software needed?

  2. if I got one , where could I get the files from?

  3. how strong is the finished product, ie would I be able to design and print parts that would fit with the stock plastic?

Thanks in advance

  1. you can get a printerbot simple metal for about $600 assembled (you will need to add a heat bed) or you can build a prusa for the same price. There are more expensive printers as well. There is a lot of free software for 3d printing.

  2. The files are on http://www.grabcad.com

  3. Printing in ABS I made a replacement bumper mount for my scx10 that broke only after dropping the truck directly on it. You just have to remember that 3d printed parts are anisotropic and strength can be built in by changing print settings.

For those that don’t know what anisotropic means. It means that the parts are not equally strong in all directions. Because 3d printed parts are made a layer at a time, they are weakest in the vertical direction. The plastic doesn’t really fail so much as the parts delaminate.

This is actually very important because several people have printed the wishbones laying flat and they delaminate.

Good point Joshua.

I find it strange that many people are still attempting to print Truggy parts in PLA or ABS.

There are far better alternative materials out there that offer significant advantages in not only strength but also far superior layer adhesion, and vastly superior wear characteristics.