I just saw that Adafruit has a new microcontroller out this week,

I just saw that Adafruit has a new microcontroller out this week, the Trinket M0.

It has some nice upgrades from the previous “classic” Trinket, and instead of using an ATtiny85 8-bit AVR, it now uses an ATSAMD21E18 32-bit Cortex M0+.

Would this controller work with FastLED now or would something need to be updated in the library platform/arm/… files first?

Also for added fun, it has a single RGB Dotstar included on the board.

Dude… its sold out. 8000+ pixels! I need it lol

This board should work with FastLED. It’s another SAMD21 Cortex-M0 board, like the Arduino Zero or Feather M0.

Thank you @Tod_Kurt ​.

These are twice the price of a WemosD1 or any basic ESP8266 why would you bother?

Who said this was an ESP8266? Besides i think people would be more interested in the circuit python aspect of it. To be able to program it from any laptop without having to install any aditional software i believe thats huge

@Leon_Yuhanov It’s twice as small as the Wemos boards. I don’t need wifi on portable projects, this new Trinket is absolutely exciting. Correct me if I’m wrong but up to now there was no board this small running over 16Mhz with this much flash.

Not that i know of. I need this as soon as its back in stock ima buy 10 of them lol

Is the Tinket M0 supported? The Gemma M0 uses the same chip and I couldn’t get it to work.

@Cristian_Martinez The ESP8266 doesn’t require any special software, it can be programmed like any arduino. @Franck_Marcotte yep its half the size, but its no where near as powerfull. Forget the wifi, the esp runs at 160mhz and has tons of sram. Each to their own, but this this is a rip off in my opinion

But what of the student with a chrome book unable to install arduino? This would work for them :slight_smile:

@Leon_Yuhanov A rip-off of what exactly? Form factor is very important. This board has a niche of its own. Show me something that small with the same power. Up to now there was no such option for very small projects where every mm counts.

@Franck_Marcotte sorry when i say “rip off” I mean its overpriced. The basic ESP8266 module https://www.adafruit.com/product/2282 is smaller(but you need an external programer circuit, more powerful and costs $2-3

Oh yeah then it’s a bit more expensive for sure but it has more features. Can’t compete the price of a barebone module. Still pretty cheap.

@Franck_Marcotte On a side note check this out http://www.friendlyarm.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=69&product_id=197 was just released for a few $ more than the trinket @Cristian_Martinez and can be programmed through a serial port or SSH