I just realized I had been engraving/cutting stuff with my focusing lens upside down.

I just realized I had been engraving/cutting stuff with my focusing lens upside down. Whoops. The difference? The one on the left is with the lens in the correct orientation. The edges are also a lot straighter as opposed to being chamfered (which is what started my whole diagnosis of why that was happening.)

What material was that done on? Looks good!

Fluorescent green acrylic.

Looks cool…I’m gonna order some.

I get mine from Inventables.com, cast sheets.

There is a huge difference in the effect on both those pieces. Glad you found the problem :slight_smile:

Could you share the right orientation of the lens?..graphicaly :slight_smile: Thank you!

Look at it. If you can see your reflection, that’s the right way UP.

The curved inward side goes down, I.e the curved outward side goes up.

@Scott_Thorne that description isn’t really helpful… I’m not sure what you mean by that?

The lens is going to be shaped slightly like a bowl, sort of like a contact lens…turn the bowl upside down and insert, concave side down.

Ahhh… That I can visualize. Thanks for the clarification

Lol…anytime Jon…glad I could help.

Looking at it also helps. You can only see your reflection when looking at it the correct side. That side needs to be up.

Wow, I’ve been having problems with cutting through leather & finally just found out that my lens was upside-down too. Haha.