I just got my BBB and I have connected it to my win7 machine.

I just got my BBB and I have connected it to my win7 machine. I seem to fail on step#3 trying to go to I tried to ping it and it was not found, what am I missing? I am connected by the USB cable.

so the error I see is as follows: Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to

Try reloading: 192.­168.­7.­2

See +Derek Molloy’s video “Beaglebone Getting Started - Windows USB Network Adapter Setup” on YouTube. Should cover any and all issues you may come across.
Ps: See all his videos actually. Pure gold.

Yea I just finished watching it, no real words of wisdom since his step 3 worked fine. Unless I am suppose to flash the OS on the board before I try to connect to it. but you think I should work right out of the box.

Right, I will now assume you’ve installed the drivers like he did (after rebooting to allow unsigned driver installations). When you plug it in, wait for maybe a minute. You should get the Autoplay prompt. At that point, open Devices and Printers. Do you see something like RNDIS Ethernet gadget or similar?
Regarding the OS, I think there should already be one on the board. If there wasn’t, you shouldn’t get an Autoplay prompt at all…try the Devices and Printers thing and let’s see how that goes

Try this from AdaFruit:

Second page in is the download page for the drivers. It does work as mine connected up once I loaded the correct drivers.

Here is what I ended up doing. I looked at my installed programs and found that the drivers were installed twice. I guess I should have checked to see if there were programs that were installed after it had failed on one of the drivers the first time. anyways I uninstalled everything and re-installed it and every thing works as documented. I’m not sure why It failed the first time, but hopefully this will help others that might run into this.

I have also upgraded my software and poked around Cloud9 IDE