I have put together some code to create a scrolling pattern of color bars

I have put together some code to create a scrolling pattern of color bars that I will be using in an infinity mirror.

I am looking for feedback to make it more efficient and smaller.



That’s a cool little pattern.

@marmil it is based off an older arcade game where I work.

I’m really into infinity mirrors at the moment, looking forward to seeing it in action :slight_smile:

I threw Richards code on my backpack glow ring. (32 pixels)

I will post a video after it is done.

@marmil I am wondering, did you have to change anything besides the number of LEDS and the data pin???

Yes, I only changed number of leds, pins and type of leds. It works very nicely. I still haven’t guessed which arcade game though. :wink:

Tubin’ twist