I have been learning KiCad this week and have used it to recreate my

I have been learning KiCad this week and have used it to recreate my pocketbeagle-based autopilot design. I’m still building up my first v2.0 board, but in the mean time, behold version 2.2 as rendered by oshpark. All the design files are available here for anyone that wants to poke around under the hood: https://github.com/AuraUAS/aura-hardware Most people should just buy a pixhawk and be done with it, but if anyone is especially interested in flying linux-based autopilots, or the extra power in a beaglebone, here is something else to take a look at.

Decent silkscreen!

@Matt_Harrington Oshpark is solid!

They just rendered what you designed. The credit goes to you. I hope it works!

Thought about making it smaller by mounting the bb and teensy on opposite sides?

@Matt_Harrington Hi Matt, thanks for the kind words. I tried to be detailed on the silkscreen because otherwise I would worry about putting the beaglebone or teensy on backwards and blowing the hole thing up! My plan is to build up one or two of these and prove them out in flight … then everything is on the table for future improvements. I aslo have an onion omega2 (+wifi) on my desk here … hmmm …