I have a confession to make...

I have a confession to make… I am an Addict! At one time it was drugs that consumed my addiction. I have since learned that to conquer addiction you have to replace it with a positive addiction. I have chosen to put my focus on refining my skills as a machinist professionally into a craft hobby that allows me to get a dual reward, to Focus an addiction and building skills that help me in my profession. I would like to apologize if I tend to blow up the show n’ tell board with items I have produced, it’s a form of gratification that gives me the “High” to stay sober. Thank you to everyone that has liked my projects it helps me. I love this awesome group of people and thank you for allowing me an outlet to express my self, I couldn’t do this without everyone here

+Peter van der Walt​ thank you for the support :slight_smile: we would have to look at the analytics of new users based on my posts to confirm :wink: lol

Personally I love to see your results as it just shows me what can be done with some refining & upskilling in certain areas (e.g. photo manipulation). Definitely inspires me to improve my crafts & end results.

Keep up the awesome work and focus staying sober, not an easy thing to conquer. I appreciate all you offer and certainly learn from your work.

I know the feeling. Keep going man!

I look forward most everyday to seeing the show and tell projects you’re working on they are awesome so thank you keep up the great work