I got a re-arm board from the kick starter.

I got a re-arm board from the kick starter. I’ve swapped the ramps shield on and installed the drivers. When I connect to the board my laptop sees the board as an external drive. I’m able to see the config file.
But I can’t get repetier or pronterface to connect.
What have I missed?

Serial drivers?

What windows version do you have, what driver did you install ?

I used the smoothieware-usb-driver-v1.1.exe, it’s a windows 7 machine.

Smoothie self-reports as a usb disk and one or two standard usb serial ports and a DFU device.

For some reason, Windows comes with a usb serial driver but won’t use it unless you tell it to associate it’s built-in driver with that specific device.

Other OSes have no such problem, and simply go “oh ok you say you’re a usb serial, no worries, here you go”.

So have a wrestle with pointing Windows at smoothie’s usb serial driver which, frankly, is just a magic text file that tells windows to use it’s own built-in driver.

Beware that if you change the option that makes smoothie provide two usb serial ports or you use disable-MSD for some reason, windows may have a conniption and require further driver wrestling because it mostly ignores USB devices’ self-description and gets confused if the description changes.