I found a solution how to config latest Raspbian Stretch so it works with

I found a solution how to config latest Raspbian Stretch so it works with Manga Screen 2 (in landscape) or HDMI Monitor without reconfig.

First sudo nano /boot/config.txt and insert the following at the beginning:


Settings for Manga Screen 2

hdmi_timings=1080 1 100 10 60 1920 1 4 2 4 0 0 0 60 0 144000000 3

Then sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/99-manga.rules an add:

ACTION==“add”, ATTRS{name}==“Intelligent Agent AS Manga Screen 2”, ENV{LIBINPUT_CALIBRATION_MATRIX}=“0 1 0 -1 0 1” #rotate 270 degree

Thats it! At least for me :wink:

Thanx for the tip, time to try it…

Oh that is awesome! Great catch!

Doesn’t work for me Claudio… I get 3 Pi desktops split across my screen in portrait.

My config is only valid for devices with an EDID of “IAG-MangaScreen2”. You can check your EDID with the command “tvservice -n”

@cprezzi I managed to sort it last night, i got confused with { and ( - all done and happy… My only issue is I want the orientation to be where the HDMI cables are coming from the bottom of the screen, not the top of the screen as per your config… any advice to rotate even further ?

@Andy_Williams This could be done by changing display_rotate to 3 in config.txt and change the ACTION string above to “ACTION==“add”, ATTRS{name}==“Intelligent Agent AS Manga Screen 2”, ENV{LIBINPUT_CALIBRATION_MATRIX}=“0 -1 1 1 0 0” # 90 degree clockwise”.

@cprezzi Man, thank you ! Next up, orientation of the mouse is off now ! slide right on the screen and the mouse goes left - I’ll work it out ! Thanks so much for your advice

@Andy_Williams I am precisely at this state. Thanx in advance for a note if you find a solution of both layers (picture, touch response). :wink:

@Tomas_Vit Hi Tomas, how do you mean both layers ? I’m working fine now, just need to reverse the mouse movements

@Andy_Williams Yes, I have meant proper picture layer and sensitive layer justified and with cables heading down. :wink:

@Tomas_Vit Ah… I’ll cut and paste my config later. What are you using your screen for ?

@Andy_Williams Is your touch screen just left/right reversed or also top/down?

Ok, got it working. For Landscape with cables down, you need the following settings:

In config.txt:

In 99-manga.rules:
ACTION==“add”, ATTRS{name}==“Intelligent Agent AS Manga Screen 2”, ENV{LIBINPUT_CALIBRATION_MATRIX}=“0 -1 1 1 0 0” #rotate 90 degree

@cprezzi It works. Lama question: Is there a possibility to use touch layer under Raspbian at all? :wink:

@Tomas_Vit The touch is simulating mouse moves/klicks, but real touch gestures like pinch/zoom are not supported, as far as I know.

@cprezzi I know, but can’t get any touch response under Raspbian yet.

@Tomas_Vit Did you try with a normal USB cable?

@cprezzi Have tried two, will dig for more. Thank you for a tip.

I tried first with a very short cable of a power bank, but it sems this cable only has power wires but no data wires connected.