I drew in the landing gear and manually changed it's position so it's approximately

I drew in the landing gear and manually changed it’s position so it’s approximately where it’ll need to be. I’m trying to plan how to mount the gear in front of the main spar. It’s hanging me up. I also need to figure out how I’m going to align the gear assembly to the mount (part of the wing assembly) in Fusion 360. Noob pains.

I’m mulling about different ideas; the gear mount needs to take the loads from landing without modifying the main spar too much… This would reduce the in-flight safe operating spar loads (the max Gs). I’m open to ideas.

Here’s a link to the drawing off which I based the gear mount: http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0339/0713/files/TFFW190E_DIM.PDF?3938

A Robart retractable landing gear originally for an FW190.