I did some searching for an answer to this on the smoothie site but

I did some searching for an answer to this on the smoothie site but only found bits of info.

I am interested in learning what all the functions of the GLCD panel are including the “laser” module.

Is there some documentation that explains each of the panel menu items including the sub-menus?

I am looking for something that explains the machines behavior when a menu item is selected or a parameter set.

I am kinda hacking my way through it but found out the hard way you can slam the head to its extreme if your not careful.

I’m guessing your talking about the Laser Web 3 software? If so there is a take a tour button that will explain what each button does - not completely, but enough to get you started. You can ask about a button you need more info on, by joining the group.

No, I am referring to the GLCD that is local to the machine.

ah, my machine didn’t come with one

Mine did not either I added it with my Smoothie :).

I’m adding one to mine and the Cohesion 3D board - will let you know what I find

I have one on the C3D in my machine, and so far the only use I have used it for is to home, disable motors and then re-position the carriage to where I want the file to start after I hit play to the file transferd over via LAN.

Did you find it worth the investment Kelly - I know it is cheap and looks cool - and yes I am putting one in too.

Yes as it allows the machine to be standalone. Very much worth it.

great !

@greg_greene I do most of my troubleshooting from that panel.