I converted a really cool Neopixel based ripple effect over to FastLED .

I converted a really cool Neopixel based ripple effect over to FastLED . My code is at http://pastebin.com/LfBsPLRn.

The Neopixel version is at https://gist.github.com/suhajdab/9716635

Nice work! I like it~!

Hey Andrew, me again. I found this old animation you made/ported. I thought it would work great for my project but I’m running into issues using it for the number of LEDs I need (470). This is the first time I’ve used more than 100 LEDs, do you have any suggestions on making this work smoothly? I’m using an arduino nano. Thanks!

Hi Chris, except for my Christmas strand of 200 x WS2801’s, I never go above 60 pixels myself. I would, however try different animations to ensure it’s not a power, signal or memory issue. You also might wan to try defining fewer pixels, ie. 400 and see if that works.

Thanks. I’ve tried a few more since I posted. The simple newpixel strand tests work fine. All Fastled animations really struggle though. I’m going to try on the esp8266 now rather than the nano to see if that helps.