I can make mine smaller than yours ;) Smoothieboard ultra super mini by Ray

I can make mine smaller than yours :wink: Smoothieboard ultra super mini by @raykholo . I think I am th only one other than Ray that has this board.

Just you and me bud.

I will send out the breakout board tomorrow, forgot about it until tonight.

Oh Great - as if I wasn’t all ready obsessing with size …

Not an official product. Just a project I did for fun that a few too many people liked…

With some NEMA 11 steppers and micro ball screws you could make a really cool palmtop CNC that could make business cards. :slight_smile:

Neat product

This board requires external stepper drivers.

So like the Mini but no headers for the drivers, right? I still like the idea of a hand held CNC that is also very precise and accurate. You could hold it against a piece of wood to carve something like this 2" x 2" pattern .

It’s a smoothie brain only in 30x30mm. It was meant to handle all the “tiny and high speed stuff” so that you could integrate it into other PCBs like this: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+RayKholodovsky/posts/f4d5fg5TyA2
Anthony got a little more… creative… with his.

@Steve_Anken This doesn’t have any drivers on board. Just the STEP DIR EN signals for 5 drivers, as well as thermistors, endstops, communications, GLCD, which are all brought out to the edge contacts.

Yeah, perfect for a tiny cnc machine. I want to make one. :slight_smile:

@Steve_Anken we still need someone to mill that carrier board in my other post that I linked.

Something like this.

Anything I can help with by milling on this 3040 while I have it?

Yeah that large board in my previously linked g+ post.

So you think my idea was …creative…huh @raykholo ? lol

Well I did send it to you to test with a milled or etched Carrier Board. That went according to plan.

lol…but you designed me the breakout board so it is your fault!

Don’t use my affinity for designing boards against me! :slight_smile: