I am working on the wiring design for my OX and learning about TinyG.

I am working on the wiring design for my OX and learning about TinyG. I am a smoothie user (converted K40).

I read all I could on the Synthetos site, searched this forum and did not find an answer to a basic question.

In regards to the tinyG configuration:

  1. Do you have to load each parameter from the command line ?
  2. I assume it keeps the configuration after powers down? Where is it kept?
  3. Is there a utility or method to reload/download the configuration from-to the card?

Thanks for the help!!

Also look thru wiki https://github.com/synthetos/TinyG/wiki

  1. Yes, the first time anyway, See 3.
  2. tinyG has onboard EEPROM, a predecessor to flash memory. G2 on DUE does not
  3. If you use Chilipeppr, there are a couple parameter support widgets.
    See https://github.com/synthetos/TinyG/wiki/Chilipeppr-Archive-and-Restore-Parameters-for-tinyG

@cmcgrath5035 is a great resource. I use Chilipeppr. Click the settings button on the widget and change all parameters right there and click save. No M999 stuff required, etc. it is saved and done. Ready to work.

@Brandon_Satterfield @cmcgrath5035 thanks.

@Brandon_Satterfield can you point me to a starting configuration file for the kit I just bought?

@donkjr skim through this video, it will show you how to set parameters quickly in CP.

@Brandon_Satterfield ok, yup I saw that but I hoped someone has a “starter” file I could download through CP.

@donkjr I have avoided doing that as there is much to learn in setting these parameters that brings the maker to a level of intimacy with the machine. If you just want a file to dump someone here in the OX group I’m sure would be happy to dump the file on you.

I used the file dump that Thomas Shue provided in his youtube videos,although I have yet to achieve any degree of success but I have learned a great deal.