i am try to do a firmware update and i have a questions about

i am try to do a firmware update and i have a questions about this file that i am trying to download to a directory folder, when i open it it just open up, not like the other files that i download how should i download this file .

Download file https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/50261731/avrdude.conf

Mouse over the URL, right click, save-as and it will download to your Downloads directory

Or you could highlight all the text in the file, copy it, and save to a file named avrdude.conf on your PC.

Save-As method is less error prone

Thank you I will give it a try

can you give an example of what i should type into commmand prompt , all my files are in one folder called flash_tinyg and they are in my c drive .

@Kurt_Schuppert Assuming you want to load 440.18, “avrdude -p x192a3 -c avr109 -b 115200 -P COM1 -e -U flash:w:tinyg-master-440.18.hex” without the quotes, replacing COM1 with your tinyG COM port

I recommend cut, paste and edit (for COM port).
This is the command line, one bad character can ruin your whole day :slight_smile:

Here is what i am cut and paste, and this is what it keeps telling me

crosoft Windows [Version 10.0.10240]
© 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\kurt>avrdude -p x192a3 -c avr109 -b 115200 -P COM3 -e -U flash:w:tinyg-master-440.18.hex
‘avrdude’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.


In what directory did you put all the files?
If, for example you put them in C:\Users\kurt\flash_tinyG,
then your need to : cd C:\Users\kurt\flash_tinyG first, then issue the avrdude command

This is where it is on my computer, if you could help because I am too
dumb, to figure out what the name should be

The error message says it cannot find avrdude in the current directory (C:\Users\kurt).
What does the dir command return when you are in C:\Users\kurt?

BTW, I would guess that the files you downloaded are actually in C:\Users\kurt\Downloads.