I am setting up the "old" RevA4 version with a BBB with the newest

I am setting up the “old” RevA4 version with a BBB with the newest Kamikaze Ver 2.1.0. When I’d like to update the eeprom of the Replicape, I get an error message with the last command on the help (all others work):

cat Replicape.eeprom > /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/at24/2-0054/nvmem/at24-1/nvmem

error message:
bash: cd: dr: No such file or directory

Any thoughts what the correct folder is, so that I can get the “old” Replicape to work?

many thanks and best regards,

Hi Franz, normally you shouldn’t update the EEPROM on the Rev A4 boards - only a specific subset of the B3 batch had incorrect EEPROM as far as I remember. @Elias_Bakken can you confirm?

Many thanks Jon, Elias advised to update the EEPROM, so not sure if this is still required.

Yeah as far as I can remember, it was for a specific batch of B3s, and at one point it was included in Kamikaze by default to do this, but we rolled it back because it presented issues for people with the A4 version.

Speaking of, that reminds me I need to talk to one of the redeem devs to make sure we didn’t lose compatibility when he re-wrote some of the PRU firmwares…

Yes, the location of the EEPROM file that can be cated has changed a lot, but it’s in /sys somewhere : )

found it, this is the right command for the A4
cat Replicape.eeprom > /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/at24/2-0054/at24-1/nvmem

also an option to update the Wiki, cheers, Franz