I am having trouble with the auto-level widget,

that looks exactly the issue I had with the auto level widget in grbl.

in grbl it was related to the lyr object in the fadeOutUserObject method.

this is the fix that i overloaded in the workspace

var newFadeOutUserObject = function() {
if (!autolevel.isFadeOutUserObject && autolevel.user3dObject !== null) {
// fade out the user object so our matrix is visible
chilipeppr.publish(’/com-chilipeppr-widget-3dviewer/wakeanimate’, “”);
var o = autolevel.user3dObject;
var that = autolevel;
that.previousLayerOpacities = [];
o.children.forEach(function iterLayers(lyr) {
if (lyr.material == undefined || lyr.material.opacity == undefined) {}
else {
lyr.material.opacity = 0.035;
autolevel.isFadeOutUserObject = true;
autolevel.fadeOutUserObject = newFadeOutUserObject;

unlikely to be due to those actions. I have found that the auto-levelling (in grbl) nearly always bugged out, but not every time. which is very difficult to chase down.

Since applying the fix above which is the null effect if no lyr.materal, it works every time (so far…)

Hmm, I’m going to try to put this code that @Justin_Adie wrote into the TinyG Autolevel Widget and publish it. This feels a bit dangerous doing before I fly off to Europe for 11 days, but since folks are having issues, this could fix it. I see that all Justin did was add an if statement testing for nulls so the code doesn’t error out, which I think makes a ton of sense to test for.

@jlauer - ping me if you happen to be coming close to the south west of France and fancy a beer.

Ok, code change published but not tested. If folks could test that would be great. You’ll see a “v2” in the title of the widget now.

@Justin_Adie that sounds really fun, but will be hitting London, Barcelona, and Marrakech!

I will test tonight and report back.

Good job guys – the problem seems to be fixed! Thanks.

The auto-leveling widget is hanging again, but unlike previously closing the EagleBrd widget does not solve the problem. I have discovered pushing the auto-level widget’s pause button, twice (which causes it to report paused and then unpaused) continues probing, but only for the next location, as it hangs again immediately after getting a z value. I don’t believe that hitting the pause button used to have the effect. Thoughts or suggestions please?

Here are some screen shots. First upon hanging:

Here is immediately after hanging
missing/deleted image from Google+

And now after having pushed pause
missing/deleted image from Google+

What is being reported in the console? Remember that you have to turn console reporting on in the menu at the top right of the page.

And after pushing pause a second time to unpause:

missing/deleted image from Google+

Same pic as above, but I scrolled down to show the rest of the message window
missing/deleted image from Google+

Note that after pushing pause the second time, the probe moves to the next location, lowers to find z, then hangs again. Two pauses will get it moving to the next location, where the process repeats.

Just published a new fix right now. I think I messed up the previous fix and the new one should solve it. v2.1 is what you should see for auto-level widget.

John – I have used your latest fix several times. It works and it is again saving the data for me. Thanks again.
