I am having a strange electrical issue and was wondering if any of you

I love the Teensy! It’s great for audio with the audio shield.

What about the Teensy 3.6?

As far as I know the Teensy 3.5 and 3.6 aren’t supported by FastLED yet.

Dang it. 1M of flash sounds awesome lol

Get the 3.2 and use it. When support for the 3.5/6 happens you can unplug your 3.2 and drop in the new ones as long as you’ve left room lengthwise in your project. Same pinout as 3.2.

Yeah what i need it for is my bass drum on my drumset im putting together

So the regulator died after a few days… vcc was supplying power to 14 LEDs which is about a 280ma draw. Looks like the regulator can only supply 150ma safely… now the code has been limited to only draw150ma.
Lesson learned. Don’t use on board regulators to supply power to leds.

Why not use a regulated 5V power supply? Like say from a cellphone charger. And power your LEDs and board straight off of that. Then you dont have to worry about burning out your regulator.

Because I dont have any at the house. This was a quick project for a good friend going through a tough time. I will be using regulated 5v supplies from now on though :grinning:

Make sure you invest in good quality ones. Cheap ones arent very regulated and can make your LEDs appear to be having a seizure

Where do you get the good quality ones?

I just bought a 2 Amp samsung charger lol. Worked for what i needed

If you need more than 2 Amps just look for a regulated 5V power supply on eBay