- Long awaited feature:


@Jorge_Robles You should also update the server part each time you create the exe :wink: (it’s 4.0.96 now)

It could happen that I changed something in the frontend that need the correcsponding change in the backend. Or like this time, I promissed a feature in the issues.

I did… Double checked… npm kidding?

Where did you check? On github it sais 96 commits and in package.json is version 4.0.96.

Did git pull and npm update http://lw.comm

Will retry l8r

I do always first pull and merge lw.comm-server, then npm run installdev on lw4 to get the new lw.comm-server…

Oh ok

Or did you forget to merge master into electron-bundler?

Yep. That happened.


SVG changes:

  • Automatically determines px-per-inch. Inkscape 0.92 is now usable without fiddling with scale settings or using an export command.

  • Fixed a bug with SVG group transforms

  • Supports rotated and skewed images in SVG

Probe Z, probe ma X, probe min X,probe max Y, probe min Y and probe Z don´t work. Nothing happen when this buttons are selected.
The same problem with home Z,X and Y.
G38.2 Z does not have moviment.

smoothie firmware edge-8e4a64c.

Using the menus from GLCD, the probe funtions work well.

Is there something desconected from LW?


@Roberbike Probing and single axis homing is not implemented yet, sorry!

The command to home Z on Smoothieware is G28.2 Z

See for details.

@Todd_Fleming ​​ so no need for px point in settings anymore?

@Ariel_Yahni_UniKpty Not for Inkscape files :). It relies on optional fields in the SVG spec. If those are missing, then it falls back to the config value.

@cprezzi ok. Thanks for answer me.