How does ChiliPeppr determine Feedrate X? Is it applied to what is in buffer,

How does ChiliPeppr determine Feedrate X? Is it applied to what is in buffer, or is it applied to unsent code?

It is applied as lines are sent to spjs. I was thinking of locking the feed rate once you hit play but decided not to because you can still modify unsent lines. The real answer though is to eventually let you modify all existing buffered lines in near real time.

It would be great if it worked. So far I set the speed by ‘ear’, and it’d be fantastic to be able to change it on the fly; perhaps by buffering less?
On the grbl worspace at least, there’s so much buffering that pressing ‘stop’ during cutting doesn’t do anything at all.

Doing “stop” in ChiliPeppr’s Gcode widget means stop sending Gcode lines. To actually truly stop, you have to wipe your buffer. Sadly Grbl doesn’t have a buffer wipe command of %, however, Jarret does wipe the buffer in SPJS if you send a % sign. He never put a button for that though because of Grbl’s lack of support for it. You can toggle the options in the Gcode widget to auto-send a % when you hit stop if you want to change behavior.