How do I get on the Cut-it-Forward List?

How do I get on the Cut-it-Forward List? I am looking forward to building an OX CNC…

Man, who’s turn is it guys? @Sonex128 , @Alex_Lee . Ha I don’t don’t even know any more.

Welcome to the group @Rich_Stout !

@Alex_Lee man thank goodness your involved. Thank you again for leading this up.

I am slowly getting mine together. Things keep coming up that trump hobby time.

As soon as I can get some plates I will be placing the order for all the remaining components and starting the build.

@Alex_Lee I just bought @Brandon_Satterfield 's little OX, so if I can get them both working, I’ll be ready to make plates soon. Hmmm…I should go to the pawn shop tomorrow and look for a second shop vac.

@Rich_Stout just a note friend, typically we like to see a commitment of some parts in pictures prior to shipping a set of plates to someone. It just kind of ensures that a guy or gal is really going to build it.

@Alex_Lee I don’t think anyone’s going to want the first cut :slight_smile: but yes, as soon as I get it going I’ll make a set of plates for the list. Did you get the spreadsheet set up? Just imagine how much more efficient those chain letters we got as kids would have been with excel.