Hi there! I'm trying to move away from the stock K40 board/laserdrw towards grbl/lw

In regards to grbl-lpc, homing wasn’t working. I had to change Y_LIMIT_BIT to Y-MIN, pin 26 (my switch is at the bottom - changed DEFAULT_HOMING_DIR_MASK as well)
I had to change homing order. The way my swtiches are I can’t have X and Y homing at the same time. Changed to X first and then Y.
Enabled HOMING_FORCE_SET_ORIGIN (just personal preference)

I played with PWM from 7000 down to 1000. I noticed that once I reach 1000 I can’t go back to lets say 5000 without a power cycle (K40). It just wont fire.

Tests with grbl-lpc (changing pwm)
line distance: 0.05
power: 5
speed: 100

Smoothie back and a few tests:
line distance: 0.05
speed from 50 to 150
pwm period 200 and 300

I know thats not a good comparison between the two but I have to say (with great sorrow cos I’m a grbl fan) that smoothie is giving me better results for now.

@Bruno_Ferrarese ​ That’s fine. Just take what fits best for your case.

About your params: can you really Focus down to only 0.05mm?If you use 0.05mm line disrance but the focused point is bigger than that, you will overlap pixels which makes them too dark and you loose grayscale resolution.

@cprezzi I never thought about that. It just gives me a better contour line.

I’ll take a week off and will do better tests when I’m back. Let me know if there is any particular settings that you want me to try.

Thanks bro!